Commit 23f46414 authored by jingnan's avatar jingnan 👀


parent 661f0b5e
......@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
export default {
componentName: '领用出库添加明细',
name: 'AddOutStorageUseDetailDialog',
componentName: '供外出库添加明细',
name: 'AddOutStorageOfferDetailDialog',
components: {},
props: {
basicData: {
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ export default {
if (valid && this.selection) {
if (this.applyForm.reqAmount > this.selection.unableAmount) return this.$utils.showMessageWarning('申领数量不能大于当前选中物料的可用数量!')
const data = {
'subTypeName': 'OutStorageUseItem',
'subTypeName': 'OutStorageOutItem',
'extMaterial': this.selection.extMaterial,
'extMaterialId': this.selection.extMaterialId,
// 'extSupportingItemId':,
......@@ -53,30 +53,29 @@ export default {
return {
dialogVisible: false,
tableColumns: [
{ title: '操作', key: 'operate', align: 'center', width: '100',
{ title: '物料编码', key: 'extMaterial.resCode', align: 'center' },
{ title: '物料名称', key: 'extMaterial.resName', align: 'center' },
{ title: '牌号/型号/件号', key: 'extMaterial.modelNo', align: 'center', minWidth: '120' },
{ title: '申领数量', key: 'reqAmount', align: 'center' },
{ title: '占用数量', key: 'allocatedAmount', align: 'center',
component: {
show: true,
name: 'EditTableRow',
props: {
btns: [
operation: '查看占用详情',
icon: '/icons/c-scan.png',
handleClick: (row, index) => {
this.rowData = row
this.viewVisible = true
render: (h, data) => {
return h('div', [
h('span', {
class: 'link',
on: {
click: (e) => {
this.rowData = data
this.viewVisible = true
}, data.allocatedAmount)
{ title: '物料编码', key: 'extMaterial.resCode', align: 'center' },
{ title: '物料名称', key: 'extMaterial.resName', align: 'center' },
{ title: '牌号/型号/件号', key: 'extMaterial.modelNo', align: 'center', minWidth: '120' },
{ title: '规格', key: 'extMaterial.spec', align: 'center' },
{ title: '单位名称', key: 'extMaterial.extUnit.unitName', align: 'center' },
{ title: '申领数量', key: 'reqAmount', align: 'center' },
// {
// title: '申领数量', key: 'reqAmount', align: 'center', minWidth: '160', fixed: 'right',
// component: {
......@@ -96,8 +95,7 @@ export default {
// },
{ title: '技术条件', key: 'extMaterial.techSpec', align: 'center' },
{ title: '供应状态', key: 'extMaterial.supplyStatus', align: 'center' },
{ title: '物料类型', key: 'extMaterial.resType2.typeName', align: 'center' },
{ title: '占用数量', key: 'allocatedAmount', align: 'center' }
{ title: '物料类型', key: 'extMaterial.resType2.typeName', align: 'center' }
tableData: [],
rowData: null,
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