Commit 7a81afb5 authored by jingnan's avatar jingnan 👀


parent 16bbc99e
* @Author: gjn
* @Date: 2023-08-17 14:29:39
* @Description:批量签审_三期出库确认
<div class="outStorageExpireConfirm">
:basic-data=" { selectData,selectionRows }"
:lay-config="{ typeName: 'OutStorageExpire', layKey: 'batchSign_outStorageExpireConfirm'}"
<!-- 打印标签 -->
<PrintTag ref="print" :config="printConfig" />
import PrintTag from '@/../../dee-mes/src/privateComponents/components/WarehousingConfirmationConfirm/component/PrintTag.vue'
export default {
name: 'OutStorageExpireConfirm',
components: { PrintTag },
props: {
selectData: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
data() {
return {
selectionRows: [],
// 打印标签
printConfig: {
visible: false,
width: 300,
prints: []
computed: {},
watch: {},
created() {},
mounted() {},
// 组件方法
methods: {
selectionChange(val) {
this.selectionRows = val
tableToolHandler(val) {
if (val.key.btnValue === 'print') {
print() {
// 获取需要打印的数据
this.printConfig.prints = []
let JobResponseInStorageEntryId = ''
this.selectionRows.forEach((row) => {
JobResponseInStorageEntryId = row.extWorkUnit.extcode
this.printConfig = Object.assign({}, this.printConfig, {
visible: true
text: JobResponseInStorageEntryId,
propertys: [
{ label: '编码', value: row.jobOrder.extMaterial.resCode },
{ label: '名称', value: row.jobOrder.extMaterial.resName },
{ label: '型号/牌号/件号', value: row.jobOrder.extMaterial.modelNo },
{ label: '规格', value: row.jobOrder.extMaterial.spec },
{ label: '批号', value: row.jobOrder.lotNo },
{ label: '系列号/序列号', value: row.jobOrder.serialNo },
{ label: '机型', value: row.jobOrder.airModel },
{ label: '验收单号', value: row.testNo },
{ label: '库位号', value: row.extWorkUnit.extcode || '' },
{ label: '备注', value: row.jobOrder.remark || '' }
// 打印操作
<style lang='scss'>
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding:0 4px;
......@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ export default {
JobResponseInExperiment: () => import('./jobResponseInExperiment'), // 理化试验验入库响应
OutStorageExpireApply: () => import('./outStorageExpireApply'), // 三期出库申请
OutStorageRecallApply: () => import('./outStorageRecallApply'), // 返厂出库申请
WarehouseConfirm: () => import('./warehouseConfirm')// 验收入库确认
WarehouseConfirm: () => import('./warehouseConfirm'), // 验收入库确认
OutStorageExpireConfirm: () => import('./outStorageExpireConfirm')// 三期出库确认
// OutStorageRecallConfirm: () => import('./outStorageRecallConfirm')// 返厂出库确认
props: {
selectData: {
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