Commit 34040fee authored by wangqiang's avatar wangqiang


parent 0cba4713
......@@ -42,16 +42,18 @@ import com.yonde.dex.lcycle.plugin.common.entity.DxLifecycleManageBaseVOHolder;
import com.yonde.dex.lcycle.plugin.common.entity.DxLifecycleManageBaseVOEmbeddable;
import com.yonde.dex.basedata.entity.vo.IdVO;
import com.yonde.dex.secretcode.plugin.common.entity.DxSecretVOEmbeddable;
import com.yonde.dex.user.common.vo.DxOrganizationVO;
import com.yonde.dex.container.folder.plugin.common.entity.DxObjFolderVOHolder;
import com.yonde.dcs.plan.common.vo.ExtStandardAndDocLinkVO;
import com.yonde.dex.dfs.objfilelink.plugin.common.entity.DxObjFileLinkVOEmbeddable;
import com.yonde.dex.version.plugin.common.entity.DxIterationVOHolder;
* @description: ExtStandard-VO
* @author: dexadmin
* @version: V
* @date: 2024-10-25 11:13:36
* @description: ExtStandard-VO
* @author: dexadmin
* @version: V
* @date: 2024-10-30 14:20:45
@JsonTypeInfo( use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, property = "dxClassname", visible = true, defaultImpl = ExtStandardVO.class)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
......@@ -65,6 +67,10 @@ public class ExtStandardVO extends IdOnlyVO implements IdVO ,DxContextVOHolder ,
public static final String DX_ID_EMBEDDABLE_PROP_NAME = "dxIdEmbeddable";
public static final String DX_SECRET_EMBEDDABLE_PROP_NAME = "dxSecretEmbeddable";
public static final String DX_ITERATION_EMBEDDABLE_PROP_NAME = "dxIterationEmbeddable";
public static final String EXT_ORGANIZATION_PROP_NAME = "extOrganization";
public static final String EXT_ORGANIZATION_ID_PROP_NAME = "extOrganizationId";
public static final String EXT_ORGANIZATION_ID_TYPE_PROP_NAME = "extOrganizationIdType";
public static final String EXT_STANDARD_AND_DOC_LINKS_PROP_NAME = "extStandardAndDocLinks";
public static final String IMPLEMENTATION_DATE_PROP_NAME = "implementationDate";
public static final String OBSOLETE_DATE_PROP_NAME = "obsoleteDate";
public static final String RELEASE_DATE_PROP_NAME = "releaseDate";
......@@ -76,97 +82,121 @@ public class ExtStandardVO extends IdOnlyVO implements IdVO ,DxContextVOHolder ,
public static final String STANDARD_TYPE_PROP_NAME = "standardType";
* 扩展VO属性
* 扩展VO属性
private DxContextVOEmbeddable dxContextEmbeddable;
* 扩展VO属性
* 扩展VO属性
private DxObjFileLinkVOEmbeddable dxObjFileLinkEmbeddable;
* 扩展VO属性
* 扩展VO属性
private DxObjFolderVOEmbeddable dxObjFolderEmbeddable;
* 扩展VO属性
* 扩展VO属性
private DxLifecycleManageBaseVOEmbeddable dxLifecycleManageBaseEmbeddable;
* dao扩展对象
* dao扩展对象
private DxIdVOEmbeddable dxIdEmbeddable;
* 扩展VO属性
* 扩展VO属性
private DxSecretVOEmbeddable dxSecretEmbeddable;
* 扩展VO属性
* 扩展VO属性
private DxIterationVOEmbeddable<ExtStandardVO> dxIterationEmbeddable;
* 实施日期
* 组织
@ReferenceProperty(baseProperty = "extOrganizationId")
@VersionProperty(curVersion = VersionRelationType.ITERATION, refVersion = VersionRelationType.NONE)
private DxOrganizationVO extOrganization;
* 组织
private Long extOrganizationId;
* 组织
private String extOrganizationIdType;
* 标准和文档的关系集合
@RelationProperty(refProperty = "target")
@VersionProperty(curVersion = VersionRelationType.VERSION, refVersion = VersionRelationType.NONE)
private List<ExtStandardAndDocLinkVO> extStandardAndDocLinks;
* 实施日期
private LocalDateTime implementationDate;
* 作废日期
* 作废日期
private LocalDateTime obsoleteDate;
* 发布日期
* 发布日期
private LocalDateTime releaseDate;
* 发布单位
* 发布单位
private Long releaseOrganization;
* 标准分类
* 标准分类
private String standardClassify;
* 标准内容
* 标准内容
private String standardContent;
* 标准名称
* 标准名称
private String standardName;
* 标准号
* 标准号
private String standardNumber;
* 标准类型
* 标准类型
private String standardType;
......@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ import com.yonde.dex.secretcode.plugin.entities.DxSecretEmbeddable;
import com.yonde.dex.version.plugin.entities.DxIterationEmbeddable;
* @description: ExtStandard-PO实体
* @author: dexadmin
* @version: V
* @date: 2024-10-25 11:13:36
* @description: ExtStandard-PO实体
* @author: dexadmin
* @version: V
* @date: 2024-10-30 14:20:45
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
......@@ -53,82 +53,90 @@ import com.yonde.dex.version.plugin.entities.DxIterationEmbeddable;
public class ExtStandard extends IdOnlyEntity implements DxContextHolder ,DxObjFileLinkHolder ,DxObjFolderHolder ,DxLifecycleManageBaseHolder ,IdEntity ,DxSecretHolder ,DxIterationHolder{
* 扩展PO属性
* 扩展PO属性
private DxContextEmbeddable dxContextEmbeddable;
* 扩展PO属性
* 扩展PO属性
private DxObjFileLinkEmbeddable dxObjFileLinkEmbeddable;
* 扩展PO属性
* 扩展PO属性
private DxObjFolderEmbeddable dxObjFolderEmbeddable;
* 扩展PO属性
* 扩展PO属性
private DxLifecycleManageBaseEmbeddable dxLifecycleManageBaseEmbeddable;
* dao扩展对象
* dao扩展对象
private DxIdEntityEmbeddable dxIdEmbeddable;
* 扩展PO属性
* 扩展PO属性
private DxSecretEmbeddable dxSecretEmbeddable;
* 扩展PO属性
* 扩展PO属性
private DxIterationEmbeddable dxIterationEmbeddable;
* 实施日期
* 组织的id
private Long extOrganizationId;
* 组织的类型
private String extOrganizationIdType;
* 实施日期
private LocalDateTime implementationDate;
* 作废日期
* 作废日期
private LocalDateTime obsoleteDate;
* 发布日期
* 发布日期
private LocalDateTime releaseDate;
* 发布单位
* 发布单位
private Long releaseOrganization;
* 标准分类
* 标准分类
private String standardClassify;
* 标准内容
* 标准内容
private String standardContent;
* 标准名称
* 标准名称
private String standardName;
* 标准号
* 标准号
private String standardNumber;
* 标准类型
* 标准类型
private String standardType;
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