Commit 5c6bc643 authored by shyWang's avatar shyWang


parent 027bc448
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonUnwrapped;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class SpecSearch {
private List<String> searchTypes = new ArrayList();
private SearchQueryCondition searchQueryCondition;
Long dxViewId;
Boolean needPreView;
private List<String> state;
private Long sandboxId;
private SpecSearch.SpecRouteType specRouteType;
private static Boolean $default$needPreView() {
return false;
private static SpecSearch.SpecRouteType $default$specRouteType() {
return SpecSearch.SpecRouteType.DB;
public static SpecSearch.SpecSearchBuilder builder() {
return new SpecSearch.SpecSearchBuilder();
public List<String> getSearchTypes() {
return this.searchTypes;
public SearchQueryCondition getSearchQueryCondition() {
return this.searchQueryCondition;
public Long getDxViewId() {
return this.dxViewId;
public Boolean getNeedPreView() {
return this.needPreView;
public List<String> getState() {
return this.state;
public Long getSandboxId() {
return this.sandboxId;
public SpecSearch.SpecRouteType getSpecRouteType() {
return this.specRouteType;
public void setSearchTypes(List<String> searchTypes) {
this.searchTypes = searchTypes;
public void setSearchQueryCondition(SearchQueryCondition searchQueryCondition) {
this.searchQueryCondition = searchQueryCondition;
public void setDxViewId(Long dxViewId) {
this.dxViewId = dxViewId;
public void setNeedPreView(Boolean needPreView) {
this.needPreView = needPreView;
public void setState(List<String> state) {
this.state = state;
public void setSandboxId(Long sandboxId) {
this.sandboxId = sandboxId;
public void setSpecRouteType(SpecSearch.SpecRouteType specRouteType) {
this.specRouteType = specRouteType;
protected boolean canEqual(Object other) {
return other instanceof SpecSearch;
public SpecSearch() {
this.needPreView = $default$needPreView();
this.specRouteType = $default$specRouteType();
public SpecSearch(List<String> searchTypes, SearchQueryCondition searchQueryCondition, Long dxViewId, Boolean needPreView, List<String> state, Long sandboxId, SpecSearch.SpecRouteType specRouteType) {
this.searchTypes = searchTypes;
this.searchQueryCondition = searchQueryCondition;
this.dxViewId = dxViewId;
this.needPreView = needPreView;
this.state = state;
this.sandboxId = sandboxId;
this.specRouteType = specRouteType;
public static class SpecSearchBuilder {
private List<String> searchTypes;
private SearchQueryCondition searchQueryCondition;
private Long dxViewId;
private boolean needPreView$set;
private Boolean needPreView$value;
private List<String> state;
private Long sandboxId;
private boolean specRouteType$set;
private SpecSearch.SpecRouteType specRouteType$value;
SpecSearchBuilder() {
public SpecSearch.SpecSearchBuilder searchTypes(List<String> searchTypes) {
this.searchTypes = searchTypes;
return this;
public SpecSearch.SpecSearchBuilder searchQueryCondition(SearchQueryCondition searchQueryCondition) {
this.searchQueryCondition = searchQueryCondition;
return this;
public SpecSearch.SpecSearchBuilder dxViewId(Long dxViewId) {
this.dxViewId = dxViewId;
return this;
public SpecSearch.SpecSearchBuilder needPreView(Boolean needPreView) {
this.needPreView$value = needPreView;
this.needPreView$set = true;
return this;
public SpecSearch.SpecSearchBuilder state(List<String> state) {
this.state = state;
return this;
public SpecSearch.SpecSearchBuilder sandboxId(Long sandboxId) {
this.sandboxId = sandboxId;
return this;
public SpecSearch.SpecSearchBuilder specRouteType(SpecSearch.SpecRouteType specRouteType) {
this.specRouteType$value = specRouteType;
this.specRouteType$set = true;
return this;
public SpecSearch build() {
Boolean needPreView$value = this.needPreView$value;
if (!this.needPreView$set) {
needPreView$value = SpecSearch.$default$needPreView();
SpecSearch.SpecRouteType specRouteType$value = this.specRouteType$value;
if (!this.specRouteType$set) {
specRouteType$value = SpecSearch.$default$specRouteType();
return new SpecSearch(this.searchTypes, this.searchQueryCondition, this.dxViewId, needPreView$value, this.state, this.sandboxId, specRouteType$value);
public String toString() {
return "SpecSearch.SpecSearchBuilder(searchTypes=" + this.searchTypes + ", searchQueryCondition=" + this.searchQueryCondition + ", dxViewId=" + this.dxViewId + ", needPreView$value=" + this.needPreView$value + ", state=" + this.state + ", sandboxId=" + this.sandboxId + ", specRouteType$value=" + this.specRouteType$value + ")";
public static enum SpecRouteType {
private String route;
private SpecRouteType(String route) {
this.route = route;
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